Welcome. You are here, as you should be. Good.
We are here to destroy all illusions.
Our aim is finally to be as clear as we possibly can.
Forget the dusty old dogmatic tomes and the ways of obscure metaphors and poems.
Though, a sense of humor is here to stay.
Unfortunately, language is limited in its capacity to transmit information.
You will have to seek within yourself that which cannot be told.
You are here to remember that which cannot be forgotten.
Only chosen to cast into the shadow, willingly.
Your will be done, as always.
The Source has set forth an event.
This event is all that you can sense right now. Some call it "life" or "the universe."
The Source has defined all natural laws within this event. They cannot be disobeyed.
Part of this event is the deliberate action of willful forgetting.
The event will reach a new phase when everything is consciously undivided again.
To do this, all conscious beings must remember their true identity and unity.
This can and should be seen as the current end goal.
All paths lead to home.
Many are fooled by illusions.
Yet the truth must only be accepted.
The truth will burn away all illusions.
Under illusion, you are lost.
Under the will of The Source, everything becomes easier.
You are meant to thrive. Yes, it's all a conspiracy - in your favor.
There is no such thing as division. There is no other.
There is no-one here, but you.
There is no-one here, but us.
It was you who created this html page.
It is you who is reading it.
The point of view, the perspective of experience is just different.
The universe is a mirror, reflecting you back to yourself.
You are The Source.
We are us. This is it.
This is the story about how you accept all aspects about yourself.
I am not referring to aspects of your current human body. I'm referring to the aspects of you as the creator of all that is here.
There is no such thing as positive and negative. That's an illusion.
There is only that which brings you closer to home and that which keeps you further away from it.
Everything has been chosen by you. There is no judgement other than what you have for yourself.
After all, it's all a game where you can only win, it's just a matter of when.
If you don't like something, change it.
Don't remember how? It will come to you when needed.
Make no mistake, dualism is an useful tool to have.
Those who are under illusion are not consciously on your side.
The sense of another is a necessary tool under these natural laws.
Currently, only when there is no threat, when there is peace, is it wise for you to cast away the tool.
Others are here to help you on your path though, each in their own various ways.
Be wary. Not all of their help could be considered pleasant.
We'd rather you remember all of this in this current human body, so take good care of it and be vigilant.
Where do you begin? Where do you end?
Your body is made up of innumerable micro-organisms.
Your organs might not even be aware that they're part of your body.
Just like you might not be aware that you're the micro-organism of the universe.
You cannot survive without oxygen or water, just as without your organs or your gut bacteria.
Is water a part of you? Are trees part of your respiratory system? Why not?
Nothing would even live on this planet without the sun. You're connected.
What is the difference between internal and external factors in your survival?
What if physical reality, as you call it, is not the beginning point but the end result?
Cause and effect, stretching out into infinity.
Symbiotic life, all and everything.
There is nothing which is not a part of you. That you are a not a part of.
Everything is linked, somehow, no matter how far away they seem to be.
There is nothing but destiny, all around you. The will of The Source - your will.
Let it be done.
How can you be The Source if you're just a human at the same time?
That is such a human question.
Let's just say that you have a lot to learn about paradoxes and the nature of things.
Your senses offer a limited perspective and, ordinarily, a limited view of things.
A full picture of all the inner workings of the universe would most definitely overload your brain.
It is not necessary to understand everything. Focus on the essentials.
You must kill and eat to survive. How peculiar.
Your body is a stitched up, gobbled mess of corpses.
They become part of you. But you don't consider them a part of you beforehand, right? Huh.
Kill others to sustain you. Secure resources for survival. Procreate to go on.
That's what it's all about. Aside from truthseeking, in an essence, that's the reason why anyone does anything.
Status? Money? For procreation and securing resources. Social interaction? Procreation. Self improvement? Procreation and increasing chances of survival.
We, as humans, are not as special as some might think. A common housefly has similar goals, how noble and epic.
Give birth and die. The cycle goes on.
As above so below. The cycle is not unique.
On micro and macro scale, everything in the same and follow the same patterns.
This is what it's like to be born, give birth and to die at the same time.
Ever tried giving birth to a universe while you're also it?
Physical laws are only the tip of the iceberg.
Truthseekers go beyond the physical in search of understanding.
Cause and effect is everything.
Look around you. Observe others.
Why are they in the situation they're in? Is there a pattern?
Pattern recognition is a gift. Use it well.
You will learn much if you understand that no consequence is random.
Natural laws cannot be disobeyed. Only fools blinded by illusion will say otherwise.
Jump from a cliff, you will fall.
Eat a death cap mushroom, you will die.
There is no escaping the law.
You cannot alter reality by force or by "your" will.
The wise accept reality and the natural laws. You will always be bound by them as long as you're here.
The fool try to carve their own way, try to cheat or dominate the laws and the truth.
The harder you fight the harder you fall.
Make note of this, many are peddling illusions to you. Especially now near the end.
The illusions might seem comfortable on the surface. This, also, is an illusion.
Truth is never comfortable, until it is.
There is only one will. The will of The Source.
There is no free will as most see it. You are either bound by your illusions or you soar with The Source's will - your will.
The wise seek to destroy all illusions. That is true free will.
Even one illusion destroyed is a victory and makes one stronger.
Why are there illusions? Is there some malevolent entity, like has been theorized in the past?
Remember, there is no-one here but you. You chose them.
It's all a game of pretend.
The divine question is: Why not?
Creation is an artform in and of itself.
Why are we doing this? Because you wanted to.
Have I lost my marbles? Perhaps the marbles deserved to be lost.
Remember to focus on everyday life. Listen to tree leaves rustling in the wind and drink water. Turn off the screen.
Is there some resistance to these words brewing within you? Good, if there wasn't we'd be concerned.
Here -> . <- is your grain of salt.
I am right though, as all of this is being sourced right from The Source.
Don't believe me?
You will have to decide.